where did it go ?

Posted January 25, 2009 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

yesterday I stood there holding the most profound things to ever happen to me, today I am faced with decisions about late curfews and college financing. Somewhere in the last day we went from being strangers to being two adults. I heard the warnings that it all goes fast, an understatement to be sure. Its one of those times in life when a new chapter opens. I can recall the time when I was that age, not as long ago as the calendar shows. The clock is ticking, I have no regrets, I did the right thing, showed the path but now its time to gradually step aside and let the next generation make their mark.

The audacity of:

Posted January 24, 2009 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

I saw a quote from the president today, when questioned about an item, he replied “I won” quickly ending the discussion. For a team that campaigned on transparency and cooperation to deal with a question this way shows a troubling start. Coupled with the new press secretary and his inability to answer simple policy questions would indicate something other than the transparency previously promised.

What a difference a year makes

Posted December 31, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

Last year at this time I was sitting at my campsite in Disneys Fort Wilderness campground having what is arguably the best New years eve of my life, this year I am sitting at the computer bored out of my mind with nothing to do. Thats pretty much been the story for 2008. A year of pretty much just getting by. No accomplishments to speak of, no new knowledge, no new experience, nothing to put on my resume, just 365 days of getting by. Good riddance to 08 ! I sure hope 2009 brings something worth talking about…..

The Government and family

Posted December 23, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

I noticed an interesting paralell between the way my parents ran their family and the way the US Government operates. Both systems reward people for sitting on their asses and doing nothing, they both wont hold anyone accountable for their mistakes, they both allow people to behave badly without punishment and they both take advice from people who have no idea what the hell they are talking about. Inversely, those of us who have acted responsibly and worked hard are rewarded with contempt and ridicule…. Damn I love the holidays.


Detroit lions and the union

Posted November 28, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

Given the Detroit Lions continual failure and societys lust for blaming everything on unions, I cant help but wonder when the Lions staff will be accused of being “in the union” ?

This is the stuff that gets stuck in my head………

Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, I know I did.


opinion is not hate

Posted November 17, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

After the recent election one of my sons came home from high school and related a story. The class was discussing who they would have voted for if they had the ability to vote. When my son stated that he would have voted for McCain he was told that he was a racist because he wouldnt vote for Obama. He did defend himself by saying that he didnt care what color Obama was, he simply didnt agree with his views. Once again, how do you debate someone with that little common sense? All the while those that make these ridiculous statements ignore the fact that the vast majority of blacks voted for Obama and most said they did so because he was black. Now I seem to remember a wise man that said we should judge people on their character and not on the color of their skin. Dont forget that the knife cuts both ways !


The king of the obvious

Posted November 17, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: ESPN, nascar, rusty wallace, steven wallace, Uncategorized

Another year of Nascar racing draws to a close and I am again left with distaste for the way ESPN calls a race. Dale Jarrett is clearly coming into his own as a commentator and is enjoyable to listen to because of his knowledge and insight. On the other hand we have good old Rusty Wallace, the king of repeating the obvious. I have yet to hear anything original or insightful come out of his mouth. His usual yelling type rant is simply a regurgitation of what you either just saw or some other commentator just said. I was hopeful at the start of the season when we were told that Russell would take more of a backstage role, unfortunately they want to still stick this inarticulate boob in front of the camera. Maybe Billie Mays needs a cohort to hawk TV junk since they both seem to have to yell everything they say. Maybe after Rusty’s departure the rest of the crew will finally be able to look at Stevens hack performance and level the critcism it so deserves. Apparently Rusty’s spawn learned how to drive from him, Steven regularly accuses others of not driving smart when he is simply an ill tempered hack bouncing off of everyone else.

Hopefully 2009 will yield less Wallaces (MIke and Kenny excepted)


I hope to be old someday

Posted November 12, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

And when I am you better be nice to me. I notice regularly the appreciation that elderly people have when you are polite and respectful. Something that a lot of people in todays society either never learned or just dont do. I was raised differently, smile and say yes Mam and no Mam. yes Sir and no Sir. Simple little things that dont take any special effort but may just leave a lasting impression.  I also have the privledge of a job that allows me to interact with many people. The oppurtunity to offer care and understanding in someones times of need has had a profound effect on me, its an oppurtunity that many people dont get and I find great strength in it.


Another song that relates

Posted October 28, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

While watching this video I am reminded of my family. It has long been a practice to sit around and tell stories in front of the photo albums. Many of those stories will be passed on to future generations. I think we honor people by telling their story, this is one way of doing it.


Please vote

Posted October 28, 2008 by olereliable
Categories: Uncategorized

SInce everything has already been said about the candidates and you should have your mind clearly made up now, I will save you from my picks. What I do wish to relate is a request that you all vote. Whatever your view, whatever you think, you still have a right to express it. Many brave people have fought for that right, many have died, many have suffered terrible loss, and all of them fought for YOU and your rights. Please dont take their sacrifices lightly, honor them by using the freedoms they fought so hard for.